News and updates

The latest news from Close Brothers and the financial world, plus helpful guides for our customers and clients.

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A Guide to ISA Transfers with Close Brothers Savings
Detect and protect yourself from scammers


Detect and protect yourself from scammers

Detect and protect yourself from scammers

The use of authentic-looking fake emails, texts and phone calls often claiming to be from trustworthy organisations is on the rise. We’ve put together some guidance on how you can detect and protect yourself.

19 August 2021 Insight 10 minute read

Staying safe online

Staying safe online

We’ve taken steps to ensure that you and your computer are safe when using Close Brothers Savings’ online service, but it’s important that you know how to stay safe online too.

16 June 2020 Insight 5 minute read

Treating Customers Fairly Champion

Treating Customers Fairly Champion

We are proud to announce that Close Brothers Savings has been crowned as the Treating Customers Fairly Champion at the 2019 British Bank Awards.

08 March 2019 News 5 minute read

We are your Savers Choice - thank you!

We are your Savers Choice - thank you!

We are delighted that Close Brothers Savings has been named 2019 Savers Choice in the Savings Champion Awards.

03 December 2018 Announcement 5 minute read

Our latest Moodys credit ratings announced

Our latest Moodys credit ratings announced

We are pleased to announce that Moody's Investors Service have maintained 'stable' outlooks for Close Brothers Limited (CBL) and reaffirmed our long- and short-term credit ratings.

14 August 2018 News 5 minute read