Supporting you

Busy Family With a Baby Moving Into a New House

Need some extra help?

We're here to help you through all of life’s chapters. Whether you need extra support now or in the future, you can manage your savings in a way that suits you.


Please contact us if: 



    You’d like us to change how we communicate with you

    We can:

    • Speak slower, louder and clearer when you call us, repeat information so that you can make a note of it, or liaise with a family member on your behalf.
    • Use hearing relay services with you, such as Relay UK.
    • Provide information in an alternative version, such as Braille or large print.
    • Use your preferred channel of communication when contacting you, such as via secure messaging if you struggle to call us.

    You’d like to let us know how we can help you

    We can make a note of this on your file to allow us to better assist you in the future.

    Any sensitive information you share with us will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be stored on our internal systems with your explicit consent, which you can withdraw at any time.

    You may need some extra support during a difficult time

    We recognise that situations may arise that could impact your ability to manage your savings with us for a variety of reasons that may be sensitive and personal to you. Please be assured that our specially trained agents are here to help and provide you with confidential support that is suitable to your personal circumstances.

    You have experienced a loss

    This can be an extremely difficult time for you, both emotionally and practically, and we are here to support you. We can help by providing you with practical support and guidance on what you need to do next. If our customer has passed away, please let us know as soon as possible so we can help to support you with next steps. Further information can also be found in our Bereavement Advice Guide 

    Get in touch with us

    By phone:

    0203 857 3050

    (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays).

    By secure message

    If you have an online account with Close Brothers Savings, you can log in and contact us using our secure messaging system.

    By post

    Close Brothers Savings, 10 Crown Place, London, EC2A 4FT

    Free and Independent Advice

    We will do everything we can to help you, but you can also find free independent help and advice from several sources, including:

    Citizens Advice Bureau

    A network of information, providing free, confidential and impartial legal advice.

    Visit Citizens Advice

    Money Helper

    Free, impartial help for money and pensions, backed by the government.

    Visit Money Helper

    Age UK

    Information and advice covering every facet of later life. 

    Visit Age UK


    Available 24 hours a day, providing confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress and despair. 

    Visit Samaritans

    Cruse Bereavement Support

    Face-to-face, telephone, email and website support for anyone experiencing a bereavement. 

    Visit Cruse Bereavement Support

    Surviving Economic Abuse

    Raising awareness and providing support to those affected by economic abuse.

    Visit Surviving Economic Abuse
    FSCS logo

    Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

    Your eligible deposits held by a UK establishment of Close Brothers Limited are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. Any deposits you hold above the limit are unlikely to be covered.

    For further information, visit