COVID-19: What we’re doing to protect our customers and our business

16 September 2020 News Read time 5m
COVID-19 What we’re doing to protect our customers and our business


At Close Brothers we are closely monitoring developments around the spread of COVID-19, and we have been preparing and testing a coordinated group-wide business continuity and pandemic response since news of the coronavirus first emerged. The goal of these plans, which are overseen by the group crisis management team, is to protect our employees and enable us to service our customers with a minimal level of disruption if the situation escalates further. 

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and customers, we have implemented a range of precautionary measures. These include working from home, for all staff who are able to do so, restricting all but essential travel and cancelling large-scale internal meetings. We are keeping our colleagues aware and informed of the changing advice from the government and health authorities, and any change in procedures being implemented as a result. 

We have put in place detailed operational and technology plans that will enable us to continue to conduct business as seamlessly as possible if the situation escalates, including the use of specialist partner organisations, home working and re-location of critical teams and functions. We have undertaken significant planning and testing of these measures so that we are ready to implement them at short notice, in response to the evolving situation and in line with any advice from the UK government and health authorities. 

To support the wellbeing of our employees we’ve taken the decision to close our phone lines between 1 and 2pm, but we’re open as usual outside of this time between 9 and 5 Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. 

We recognise that this is a highly uncertain and rapidly evolving situation, but we are well prepared and doing everything we can to protect our employees and ensure we can continue to service our customers during this challenging time. 

This page will be kept up-to-date following the latest Close Brothers Group and UK Government advice. 


We are currently experiencing delays with the postal service, which means that some transactions may take longer to complete than usual, we would ask you to kindly bear with us during this time.

Last updated: 16/09/2020